Bacterial strains, plasmids, phages, and lysogens used in this study
Phage, plasmid, strain, or lysogen |
Characteristics |
Phages | |
Mu cts62 | |
D108 cts10 | |
Plasmids | |
pMP1812 | pBR322 Δ(3.2–4.3 kb); + Mu BamHI-EcoRI (17.2–23.7 kb) at BamHI site; Δ100 (Mu Δ18.05–18.15 kb); Knr cassette at site of Δ100 deletion (see reference 19 for details). |
pMP1852 | As pMP1812, except Apr cassette at site of Δ100 deletion |
pMP1856 | As pMP1812, except Apr cassette at BamHI site at Mu-pBR322 junction. |
Bacterial strains | |
AB1157 | |
DH5α | |
Lysogens | |
X20 | AB1157 recB recC sbcB malF::Mu cts62 |
MP1928 | X20 Δ100 (Mu Δ18.05–18.15 kb) + Sac Kn insert |
MP1998 | MP1928 − Sac Kn insert |
MP2013 | MP1928 − Sac Kn insert + Mu SGS insert (+ orientation) |
MP2015 | MP1928 − Sac Kn insert + Mu SGS insert (− orientation) |
MP2014 | MP1928 − Sac Kn insert + D108 insert |
MP1983 | MP1928 − Sac Kn insert + pSC101 insert |
MP1987 | MP1928 − Sac Kn insert + pBR322 insert |
MP1996 | MP1928 − Sac Kn insert + nrd BIME insert |
MP2001 | MP1928 − Sac Kn insert + asl BIME insert |
MP2033 | X20 Δ200 (Mu Δ17.95–18.15 kb) + Kn insert |