Figure 1.
Illustration of bilateral carotid cavernous sinus fistula targeted on bilateral cavernous sinus by GKRS with total obliteration of the fistula but without the recovery of cranial nerve function. A 73-year-old female suffered acute onset of bilateral chemosis and bilateral 6th nerve palsy treated with gamma knife radiosurgery with residual bilateral 6th nerve palsy 10 years after GKRS. (A) Cerebral angiography in PA view in right ECA injection. (B) Cerebral angiography in lateral view in right ECA injection. (C) Cerebral angiography in PA view in right ICA injection. (D) Cerebral angiography in lateral view in right ICA injection. (E) Cerebral angiography in PA view in left ECA injection. (F) Cerebral angiography in lateral view in left ECA injection. (G) Cerebral angiography in PA view in left ICA injection. (H) Cerebral angiography in lateral view in left ICA injection. (I) Cerebral MAR in PA view. (J) Cerebral MRA in lateral view. (K) Demonstration of GKRS with treated volume of 3.6 cc in 18 Gy (50% line), yellow line: 50% line. (L) Cerebral MRA in PA view 10 years after GKRS. (M) Cerebral MRA in lateral view 10 years after GKRS. ECA, ICA, and MRA: see text.