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. 2022 Aug 26;101(34):e30166. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000030166

Table 3.

Risk of early pregnancy loss by univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses.

Variables Univariable Multivariable
OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P
Maternal age (y)
 <35 Reference Reference
 ≥35, <40 1.25 (0.78, 2.02) .3565 0.80 (0.40, 1.58) .5215
 ≥40 4.33 (2.39, 7.87) <.001 2.33 (0.90, 6.04) .0816
Paternal age (y)
 <35 Reference Reference
 ≥35, <40 1.45 (0.93, 2.28) .1045 1.32 (0.74, 2.34) .3503
 ≥40 2.46 (1.47, 4.14) <.001 1.33 (0.57, 3.09) .5057
Type of infertility
 Primary Reference Reference
 Secondary 1.72 (1.19, 2.49) .0041 1.44 (0.91, 2.28) .1158
Total AFC
 <10 2.23 (1.38, 3.62) .0011 2.97 (1.38, 6.38) .0054
 ≥10, <15 Reference
 ≥15 1.22 (0.76, 1.95) .4173 1.10 (0.64, 1.92) .7242
Total Gn dose (IU)
 <3150.73 Reference Reference
 ≥3150.73 1.60 (1.10, 2.33) .0147 1.34 (0.67, 2.69) .4062
 <1.1 Reference Reference
 ≥1.1 0.45 (0.26, 0.78) .0043 0.51 (0.28, 0.91) .0225
Number of metaphase-2 oocytes
 <7 Reference Reference
 ≥7 0.61 (0.40, 0.94) .0252 0.82 (0.45, 1.48) .5016
Serum hCG level (IU/L)
 <591.7 Reference Reference
 ≥591.7 0.19 (0.12, 0.28) <.001 0.44 (0.21, 0.92) .0304

AFC = total antral follicle count, CI = confidence interval, COH = controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, Gn = gonadotropin, hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin, IVF/ICSI = in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection, OR = odds ratio.