Figure 2. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) activation promotes ryanodine receptor (RyR) cluster dispersion.
(a–c) Representative Ca2+ release units (CRUs) imaged in cardiomyocytes treated with isoproterenol (100 nM), 8-CPT (10 µM), or caffeine (0.5 mM) for 1 hr (left panels) or with inclusion of the CaMKII inhibitor AIP (2 µM) for an additional hour (right panels). Scale bar: 100 nm. (d– f) Induced RyR cluster dispersion was reversed by CaMKII inhibition, as indicated by measurements of RyR cluster size, CRU size, and cluster density (control: ncells = 50, nhearts = 6; Iso: ncells = 37, nhearts = 5; Iso + AIP: ncells = 37, nhearts = 5; 8-CPT: ncells = 48, nhearts = 5; 8-CPT + AIP: ncells = 52, nhearts = 5; caffeine: ncells = 42, nhearts = 4; caffeine + AIP: ncells = 35, nhearts = 3). (g–i) Representative images of RyR organization in cardiomyocytes from wildtype (WT) mice and transgenic mice with constitutively activated (S2814D) or genetically ablated (S2814A) phosphorylation at S2814. Clusters were cropped from a region measuring 5 x 9 x 0.6 μm. Images and quantified experimental data (j–l) are presented under baseline conditions and following 60 min isoproterenol stimulation (WT: ncells = 25, nhearts = 2; WT + Iso: ncells = 24, nhearts = 2; S2814D: ncells = 19, nhearts = 2; S2814D + Iso: ncells = 18, nhearts = 2; S2814A: ncells = 17, nhearts = 2; S2814A + Iso: ncells = 19, nhearts = 2). The bar charts present mean measurements ± SEM, with superimposed data points representing averaged values from each cardiomyocyte. Statistical significance (p<0.05) between groups is indicated by a comparison bar.