Relative proportions of bacterial genera were compared between pre-ADA and post-ADA (A) and were also compared in between Pre-ADA-R, Post-ADA-R, Pre-ADA-NR, and Post-ADA-NR (B). The genera columns display the taxonomy information at the genus level. p values were computed using a two-sided blocked Wilcoxon rank-sum test and the exact p values are presented beside the barplots. Generalized fold change (see the Materials and Methods section) is indicated by color gradients. The generalized fold change >0, enriched in nonresponsive adalimumab samples; generalized fold change <0: enriched in responsive adalimumab samples. (C). Pre-ADA-R, responsive pre-adalimumab samples; Post-ADA-R, responsive post-adalimumab samples; Pre-ADA-NR, nonresponsive pre-adalimumab samples; Post-ADA-NR, nonresponsive post-adalimumab samples.