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. 2022 Aug 18;9(4):ENEURO.0082-22.2022. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0082-22.2022

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

K+ wave propagation speed proportional to total neuronal surface area in slice. SD initiated in perfused and hypoxic slices (no reperfusion) by introducing a 100-μm-radius central 70 mm spherical K+ bolus. A–E, Effects of varying S/V of each cell while maintaining a constant βnrn (A); varying βnrn while keeping S/V constant, thus allowing Snrn to vary (B); varying cell density while keeping constant Snrn and volnrn, thus allowing βnrn to vary (C); and varying cell density while keeping βnrn and S/V constant, thus allowing Snrn and volnrn to vary (D). E, Pooled results: K+ wave speed increased linearly with total neuronal surface area in both perfused and hypoxic slices. Hypoxia increased wave speed across conditions (0 speed indicates no SD).