Fig. 3. Cryo-EM structure of the αVβ8/L-TGF-β1 complex.
a Sequence schematic diagrams of integrin subunits αV and β8. The headpiece regions of αV and β8 used in our study are colored in blue and green, respectively. The other regions of integrin are colored in gray. b Cryo-EM map of the αVβ8/L-TGF-β1 complex. The contour level is 0.384. The integrin subunits are colored as those in a. L-TGF-β1 is colored in orange. The cryo-EM density of LRRC33 is too weak to visualize. c Cartoon presentation of the αVβ8/L-TGF-β1 structure built in the final model. Metal ions in the MIDAS (metal ion-dependent adhesion site) and SyMBS (syngeneic metal ion binding site) are colored in red and purple, respectively. Calcium ions are colored in green. d Ribbon diagram of the interface between αVβ8 and L-TGF-β1. The side chains of the residues in the integrin-binding region of L-TGF-β1 are shown as sticks, and their cryo-EM densities (contour level of 0.384) are shown as black mesh. The proximal loop and integrin-binding (IB) loop are indicated. e Superposition of our αVβ8/L-TGF-β1 structure with the reported one (PDB code: 6UJA) based on integrin αVβ8. αVβ8 is shown in surface presentation, and L-TGF-β1 is shown in ribbon. L-TGF-β1 in our structure is colored in orange, and that in the reported structure (PDB code: 6UJA) is colored in pink. The side chains of His222 in these two structures are shown as sticks. f, g Detailed comparison of the L-TGF-β1 integrin-binding regions between the two structures shown in e. The residues with distinct conformational changes are shown as sticks. Black dashed lines represent hydrogen bond interaction (<4 Å). h Superposition of the L-TGF-β1 Arm domain between our structure and the reported one (PDB code: 6UJA). The integrin-binding region exhibits a huge conformational difference. Two fixed residues, Ile207 and Asn225, are shown with side chains. i Superposition of our αVβ8/L-TGF-β1 structure with the reported one (PDB code: 6UJA) based on L-TGF-β1. Integrin αVβ8 rotates ~60 degrees along the vertical axis. j Assembled structural model for the 2:2:1 αVβ8/L-TGF-β1/LRRC33 complex. The lower leg of integrin αV (PDB code: 6AVU) is integrated into this model.