Performance evaluation of the new nontryptic MS2PIP models. Boxplots comparing Pearson correlation distributions between predicted and observed peak intensity values on spectrum level for the 2019 HCD model, immunopeptide model, nontryptic immunopeptide model, and immuno-chymotrypsin model. Performance is evaluated on general tryptic proteomics data, HLA-I immunopeptide data, HLA-II immunopeptide data, and chymotrypsin data (A). Predictions for immunopeptide “KQHGVNVSV” by new immunopeptide MS2PIP model (top) compared to observed MS2 spectrum (mzspec:PXD005231:20160513_TIL1_R1:scan:10909) (bottom) (B). This peptide was selected for visualization as its PCC lies close to the median for the immunopeptide model on all HLA-I evaluation data. Predictions by the 2019 HCD model for the same immunopeptide (C) as visualized in B. HCD, higher-energy collision-induced dissociation; MS2, tandem mass spectrometry; PCC, Pearson correlation coefficient.