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. 2022 Aug 12;13:898049. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.898049


Clinical, imaging and laboratory features in high vs. low type I IFN groups (See Methods for classification).

High IFN (n = 26) Low IFN (n = 116) p value
Female sex (%) 92.3 66.4 0.008
Age (years) [median (IQR)] 40.9 (24.9) 37.7 (17.6) 0.450
Age of onset (years) [median (IQR)] 35.9 (17.5) 36.2 (17.5) 0.847
Family History (%)
 MS 5.3 13.9 0.298
 Systemic/Organ-specific autoimmune disease 21.1 28.0 0.531
Comorbidities (%)
 Hypertension 4.5 9.8 0.431
 Hyperlipidemia 13.6 12.9 0.923
Current clinical evaluation (%)
 Active optic neuritis 9.1 17.7 0.317
 Brainstem 18.2 34.8 0.126
 Pyramidal tracts 81.8 69.6 0.247
 Cerebellar 40.9 29.5 0.290
 Sensory tracts 50.0 37.5 0.273
 Bowel/Bladder 18.2 15.2 0.723
MRI findings (%)
 Demyelinating brain or spine lesions 69.6 77.0 0.449
 Nonspecific brain WMH 13.0 7.1 0.346
 Nonspecific brain WMH with demyelinating spine lesions 17.4 8.9 0.225
Areas affected in MRI (%)
 Cortical/juxtacortical/deep white matter (non-periventricular supratentorial) 91.7 68.4 0.020
 Periventricular 91.7 80.2 0.181
 Infratentorial 45.8 57.5 0.295
 Optic Nerve 12.5 9.6 0.664
 Corpus Callosum 44.4 46.8 0.854
 Cervical spine 60.9 54.7 0.590
 Thoracic spine 53.8 45.3 0.574
Gadolinium enhancement (%)
 Any enhancement during the last 30 days 41.7 45.7 0.718
CSF findings (%)
 Positive T2 OCBs 50.0 47.6 0.852
 High IgG Index 35.3 37.6 0.854
Immune profile (%)
 ANA titers ≥1/320 21.7 4.6 0.01
 Any specific autoantibody a , medium positive 11.5 16.2 0.548
 Any specific autoantibody a , strong positive 15.4 5.1 0.064
 Anti-cardiolipin IgM 13.0 17.0 0.643
 Anti-cardiolipin IgG 0 0
 Anti-β2GPI IgM 4.8 4.7 0.986
 Anti-β2GPI IgG 4.5 1.9 0.443
Laboratory parameters [median (IQR)]
 White blood cells (per μl) 5850.0 (2825.0) 6900.0 (2300.0) 0.064
 Neutrophils (per μl) 3500.0 (2010.0) 4000.0 (2225.0) 0.047
 Lymphocytes (per μl) 1850.0 (1231.8) 2000 (800) 0.225
 Platelets (103 per μl) 229.0 (93.0) 267.5 (88.5) 0.088

anti-nRNP/Sm, anti-Sm, anti-SSA/Ro60, anti-Ro52, anti-SSB/La, anti-Scl70, anti-PM-Scl-100, anti-CENP B, anti-PCNA, anti-dsDNA, anti-nucleosomes, anti-histones, anti-AMA-M2, anti-Jo1, and anti-ribosomal P

Abbreviations ANA = anti-nuclear antibodies, CSF = cerebrospinal fluid, IFN = interferon, Ig = immunoglobulin, IQR = interquartile range, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, MS = multiple sclerosis, OCBs = oligoclonal bands, WMH = white matter hyperintensities, and β2GPI = beta-2-glycoprotein-I