(a) Overlay of peptide 24 (blue, crystal
PDB: 6h9o) bound
to FtsQ (white) with binding poses of 24f (orange) derived
from MD simulations (snapshots every 10 ns from three independent
100 ns simulations; the pdb file with atomic coordinates is provided
in the Supporting Information). The cross-links
in 24f (orange stick representation) and FtsQ lysine
residues in proximity to the binding site (d̅ < 15 Å, red spheres for Nε) are highlighted. (b) Heat
map of the average distance between the Nε of the selected lysine
and the Cβ of 24f residues over a 400 ns MD simulation
(Table S2). (c) Top: structure of the four
selected modifiers (α, β, γ, and δ) installed
in a modified amino acid (m), which was introduced at position T83
of 24f. Bottom: 17% Tris/Tricine PAGE (protein modification
assay) assessing peptide binding to FtsQ(50–276). Covalent
inhibitors 24fα–δ (c = 125 μM; for peptide details, see Table S3) were incubated with FtsQ(50–276) (c = 50 μM) for 1 or 3 h. Up-shifted bands are indicative
of modified FtsQ. (d) Growth assay using E. colilptD4213 (imp) after treatment with inhibitors 24fα–δ (c = 50 μM). Optical density at 600 nm (OD600) was measured every 15 min over 22 h. Measurements were
conducted in triplicate (n = 3 technical replicates,
error bars = SD). (e) Sequence coverage for unmodified FtsQ(50–276)
after tryptic digest in the MS/MS experiment (only sequence fragments
with a count of >1 were included, and missing sequence fragments
shown in gray; the solid inverted triangle indicates the protease
cleavage site). (f) List of identified sequences (count of >1).
for 24fα-modified and unmodified FtsQ as well as
the corresponding count ratio are shown (* oxidized methionine, (*)
oxidized and non-oxidized methionine, / additional cleavage site;
for full list of fragments, see Table S4).