principles and representative simulation results of shock
ED. (a) Ions are transported by an electric field perpendicular to
the flow, and the electrical current is driven by water redox at the
electrodes. (b) Schematic to illustrate ion transport by advection
(blue arrows) and streaming potential (red arrows) at the interface
between a charged channel and the outlet. uP is the hydrodynamic flow velocity, and qkEstr is
an electrostatic force generated by the streaming potential, where qk is electric charge and Estr is electric field. Reproduced with permission
from ref (581). Copyright
2021 American Chemical Society. (c) Steady-state profiles of concentration, c, electric potential, ψ, and velocity, u, at a dimensionless current of five. The velocity profile shows
distortion of the depletion zone by electroosmotic vortices. The feed
to all channels is 10 mM NaCl aqueous solution at a pH of seven.
Reproduced with permission from ref (580). Copyright 2021 Elsevier. (d) Contour plots
of dimensionless, depth-averaged concentration and flux vectors for
Na+ and Pb2+ at six sample locations in the
porous material. Reproduced with permission from ref (581). Copyright 2021 American
Chemical Society.