Schematic and operating procedure of CDLE,
the original CapMix
system. (a) The device comprises two electrodes made of porous activated
carbon, and this pair of electrodes behaves as a capacitor that can
be charged and discharged. Two reservoirs contain solutions with different
concentrations that are pumped to the cell where they are mixed. (b)
Graphical explanation of the four-step operating procedure of CDLE.
In phase A, the electrical circuit is closed and the cell is charged;
in phase B, the circuit is opened and the cell is flushed with fresh
water to increase the electric potential; in phase C, the circuit
is closed and the cell is discharged; and in phase D, the circuit
is opened and the cell is flushed with salt water to decrease the
electric potential. Reproduced with permission from ref (1127). Copyright 2009 American
Physical Society.