imaging of human breast cancer tissues with Man(6)-Alb-FL.
(A) Illustration of fluorescence imaging of Man(6)-Alb-FL in resected
tumor tissues from breast cancer patients. (B,C) Representative confocal
immunofluorescent images of CD206 (green), Man(6)-Alb-FL (red), and
DAPI (nucleus, blue) in ER+/PR+ (n = 12) (B) and triple-negative (TN) (n = 10) (B)
human breast tumor sections 2 h after Man(6)-Alb-FL administration.
Yellow arrowheads indicate Man(6)-Alb-FL-loaded CD206+ cells
(B). Higher magnification images of the yellow-outlined area also
show Man(6)-Alb-FL uptake in CD206+ cells (yellow arrowheads)
in a triple-negative breast tumor section (C). Scale bar = 50 μm
for images in (B) and (C), and 10 μm for the yellow magnified
images in (C). (D) Pie chart indicating the percentage of Man(6)-Alb-FL
uptake by CD206+ cells in human breast tumor sections.
(E) Correlation analysis of CD206+ cells and Man(6)-Alb-FL-positive
cells (Man(6)+ cells) in human breast tumor sections. Black
and blue dots indicate ER+/PR+ (n = 12) and triple-negative (TN) (n = 10) breast
tumor sections, respectively. (F) The number of Man(6)-Alb-FL-positive
(Man(6)+) CD206+ cells in ER+/PR+ (n = 12, black) and triple-negative (TN)
(n = 10, blue) human breast tumor sections. (G) The
average number of Man(6)+CD206+ cells in ER+/PR+ and TN human breast tumor sections. For quantification,
3–6 nonoverlapping images per section were counted. Data show
means ± SEM. ****P < 0.0001 using Student’s t-test.