Results of non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) performed using the presence and absence of pan-genome orthologous gene clusters detected among anthrax toxin gene-harboring members of (i) the clonal, historical B. anthracis lineage typically associated with anthrax toxin production (also known as B. mosaicus subsp. anthracis within the 2020 Genomospecies-Subspecies-Biovar [GSB] framework); (ii) the PubMLST ST365 Clonal Complex (CC;, i.e., anthrax-causing “B. cereus”-like genomes, which are most closely related to the B. anthracis species type strain genome but are not members of the 2020 GSB B. anthracis subspecies); (iii) PubMLST ST78 (i.e., anthrax-causing “B. cereus”-like genomes, which are most closely related to the B. tropicus species type strain genome). Points represent genomes, while shaded regions and convex hulls correspond to the anthrax toxin gene-harboring lineage to which each genome belongs. Lineages differed significantly based on pan-genome orthologous gene cluster presence/absence (Bonferroni-corrected ANOSIM and PERMANOVA p < 0.05).