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[Preprint]. 2022 Aug 19:2022.08.17.22278898. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2022.08.17.22278898


Linear mixed-effects models for association of hospitalization, vaccination and healthcare worker surveillance samples on minor variant richness.

a. Effect of sample Ct value and patient hospitalization status on log10 transformed minor variant richness. Sequencing run is included as a random effect.
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 6090 602.4491 <.0001
Ct 1 6090 1370.695 <.0001
admitted_hospital 1 6090 77.6004 <.0001
Ct:admitted_hospital 1 6090 11.5969 7.00E-04
b. Effect of sample Ct value and patient vaccination status on log10 transformed minor variant richness. Only samples from non-hospitalized patients collected in July 2021 or later are included. Sequencing run is included as a random effect.
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 1346 297.22177 <.0001
Ct 1 1346 152.42258 <.0001
vaccine_status 1 1346 4.52737 0.0335
Ct:vaccine_status 1 1346 4.31531 0.0380
c. Effect of sample Ct value and healthcare worker surveillance sample status on log10 transformed minor variant richness. Only samples from non-hospitalized individuals are included. Sequencing run is included as a random effect.
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 3824 455.9225 <.0001
Ct 1 3824 669.4242 <.0001
surveillance_sample 1 3824 0.1950 0.6588
Ct:surveillance_sample 1 3824 0.0207 0.8857