Figure 5.
ZNF384 FO binding to chromatin is associated with H3K27 acetylation and increased expression of hematopoietic regulators. A, Representative genomic regions with increased binding of the FO compared with wild-type. B, Representative expression in fragments per kilobase million (FPKM) of genes with differential binding. Columns show means of two replicates ± SD. ZNF, wild-type ZNF384; TCZ, TCF3::ZNF384; TAZ, TAF15::ZNF384. C, Heat map showing the ChIP-seq signal, centered on ZNF384 peaks, of wild-type ZNF384 compared with TCF3::ZNF384 and TAF15::ZNF384; and H3K27Ac signal, centered on ZNF384 peaks (top). Peaks with increased binding of FO compared with wild-type proteins separated by regions with increased H3K27Ac or regions with same H3K27Ac (middle). Peaks with decreased binding of the FO compared with wild-type proteins (bottom).