Table 3.
Facility/Location | Nuclear Reaction | Irradiation Parameters | Yield |
Fukui Medical University | 64Ni(p, n)64Cu | 12 MeV, (50 ± 3) μA |
2-24 GBq in 2 h |
The University of Sherbrooke PET Imaging Centre | 64Ni(p, n)64Cu | 15 MeV, 18 μA |
3.9 GBq in 4 h |
IBA | 64Ni(p, n)64Cu | 10 MeV, 12 μA |
5123 MBq in 3 h |
Paul Scherrer Institute | 64Ni(p, n)64Cu | 11 MeV, 40–50 μA |
Max 8.2 GBq in 4–5 h |
Turku PET Centre | 64Ni(p, n)64Cu | 15.7 MeV, < 100 μA |
Max 9.4GBq after purification |
Sumitomo HM-20 cyclotron | 64Ni(p, n)64Cu | 12.5 MeV, 20 μA |
7.4 GBq in 5–7 h |
NIRS AVF-930 cyclotron | 64Ni(p, n)64Cu | 24 MeV HH+, 10 eμA | 5.2-13GBq in 1–3 h |