Table 1:
Summary of studies
Author, date, journal and country Study type (level of evidence) | Patient group | Outcomes | Key results | Comments |
Critical synthesis of 9 studies (comprising level 3 and level 4 evidence) | Surgical fixation is safe and effective at treating pain and disability | Studies demonstrated:
McGill Pain Rating Index, median (IQR) |
Short Form 12 physical component score, mean (SD) |
Short Form 12 mental component score, mean (SD) |
Return to work, % |
Numeric pain scores |
Narcotic consumption (narcotic equivalents) |
Respiratory disability- related quality of life at 2 weeks |
Spirometry values |
Pleural space complications (tube thoracostomy or surgery for retained haemothorax or empyema >24 h from admission) |
Pain index as measured by VAS at time of discharge |
Only 75.8% of surgically treated patients and 75% of nonoperative patients completed follow-up, reducing the power of the analysis |
Lung function at time of discharge |
Duration of pain [time required for complete disappearance of chest pain or for only occasional pain (VAS < 2) to remain] |
Duration of chest discomfort |
Time to return to daily self-care |
Time to return to mental labour |
Time to return to moderate–severe physical labour |
Digital pain score (from 0 to 10) at 72 h, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months | Mean pain scores for surgical group were significantly lower than nonoperative group at every timepoint (F = 84.830, P < 0.001). | A variety of analgesic regimens were used in the conservative group. May introduce inter-subject variability |
Quality of life (SF-36 score) |
Return to pre-injury level of work at 6 months |
Mean hospital stay (days) |
Potential selection bias due to non-randomized retrospective design |
VAS pain score at 2 months |
Return to normal activity (days) |
Fracture healing |
Atelectasis |
Pulmonary infection |
CT: computed tomography; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; IQR: interquartile range; MIS: minimally invasive surgery; PEF: peak expiratory flow; SD: standard deviation; SSRF: surgical stabilization of rib fractures; VAS: visual analogue scale.