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. 2022 Aug 5;13:946351. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.946351


Sociodemographic, clinical and medication data of the patient cohort (N = 627).

Parameter N (%) or range Mean (SD) or median
 Female 441 (70.3%)
 Male 186 (29.7%)
Age [in years] 19–86 48.6 (13.3)
School years 6–18 10.5 (1.3)
Educational level
 No training 19 (3.0%)
 Skilled worker 398 (63.5%)
 Technical college 89 (14.2%)
 University 121 (19.3%)
Employment status
 In training 7 (1.1%)
 In studies 6 (1.0%)
 Employed 269 (42.9%)
 Unemployed 25 (4.0%)
 Retired 304 (48.5%)
 Others 16 (2.6%)
 No 162 (25.8%)
 Yes 465 (74.2%)
Place of residence
 Rural area 224 (35.7%)
 Provincial town 108 (17.2%)
 Medium-sized town 112 (17.9%)
 City 183 (29.2%)
Number of children 0–4 1
 0 169 (27.0%)
 1 170 (27.1%)
 ≥2 288 (45.9%)
Number of siblings 0–13 1
 0 71 (11.3%)
 1 305 (48.6%)
 ≥ 2 251 (40.0%)
EDSS score [points] 0–9.0 3.5
Disease duration [in years] 0–52 10
Disease course
 CIS 27 (4.3%)
 RRMS 388 (61.9%)
 SPMS 154 (24.6%)
 PPMS 58 (9.3%)
Comorbidities 0–9 1
 No 184 (29.3%)
 Yes 443 (70.7%)
Number of drugs taken 0–19 5
 0 7 (1.1%)
 1–4 286 (45.6%)
 5–9 261 (41.6%)
 ≥ 10 73 (11.6%)

CIS, clinically isolated syndrome; EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; PPMS, primary progressive multiple sclerosis; RRMS, relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis; SD, standard deviation; SPMS, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.