36 features extracted from the different sensors.
Signal | Features | |
Temporal: 1. NN intervals 2. Heart rate 3. QRS interval 4. PR interval 5. MedianNN 6. Number of NN intervals < 5 ms (nn5) 7. Percentage of nn5 (pnn5) 8. covNN 9. RMSSD |
Spectral: 10. Power of low frequency band (0.01–0.75Hz) - LFpow 11. Power of high frequency band (0.75–2.5 Hz) - HFpow 12. LFpow/HFpow 13. Area under low frequency bands (ALF) 14. Area under high frequency bands (AHF) 15. ALF/AHF ratio |
skNA |
Temporal: 16. Average skNA 17. Average iskNA 18. Area under Curve (AUC) skNA 19. Number of bursts 20. Duration of bursts 21. AUC bursts |
Spectral: 22. Power of low frequency band (0–2.5 Hz) - LFpow 23. Power of high frequency band (2.5–5 Hz) - HFpow 24. Power of very high frequency band (5–10 Hz) - VHFpow 25. LFpow/HFpow 26. Area under LF band (ALF) 27. Area under HF band (AHF) 28. Area under VHF band (AVHF) 29. ALF/AHF ratio |
Skin Temperature | 30. Δtemperature 31. Mean temperature 32. Median temperature |
Blood Pressure | 33. ΔSBP 34. ΔDBP 35. Mean SBP 36. Mean DBP 37. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) |
Top 5 selected features have been indicated in bold.