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. 2022 Aug 17;28:e00176. doi: 10.1016/j.fawpar.2022.e00176

Table 2.

Prevalence of antibodies against N. caninum in sheep in Europe.

Country Region Test (source) n positive animals/
n examined animals
% positive n farms with positive animals/
n sampled farms
% positive Observations Reference
Czech Republic Central Bohemia
Ústí nad Labem
ELISA (cELISA Neospora caninum Antibody Test Kit, VMRD, USA) 63/547 12.0 9/9 100 Healthy adult sheep. (Bártová et al., 2009)
Greece Various regions ELISA (in house) 77/458 16.8 28/50 56.0 Healthy dairy ewes (age 2–4 years), semi-extensive grazing, with grain and forages supplementation (Diakou et al., 2013)
Italy Lombardy: Bergamo, Milan, and Varese provinces ELISA (in house) + immunoblot as confirmatory test 83/428 19.3 ns 89.4 Randomly sampled general sheep population, different rearing systems (semi-extensive, transhumant) (Gazzonis et al., 2016)
Orobie Alps, Bergamo province ELISA (CHEKIT Neospora, Bommeli Diagnostics, Switzerland) 22/1010 2.2 ns ns Randomly sampled general sheep population sharing habitat with wild ungulates during warm season (Gaffuri et al., 2006)
Poland Mazurian lake district ELISA (cELISA Neospora caninum Antibody Test Kit, VMRD, USA) + immunoblot as confirmatory test 8/64 13.0 1/1 100 Healthy Merino ewes (age 1–2 years) from a mixed flock with goats and fallow deer, semi-extensive management (Moskwa et al., 2018)
Slovakia Kosice, Presov ELISA (Neospora caninum indirect ELISA, France) + verification of positive and doubtful sera by cELISA (cELISA Neospora caninum Antibody Test Kit, VMRD, USA). 14/382 3.7 ns/100 ns Dairy ewes, which had aborted (Spilovská et al., 2009)
Spain Castilla y León: Zamora province ELISA (NcSALUVET ELISA, Spain) 304/986 30.8 1/1 100 Dairy Assaf breed ewes with history of abortion in the flock, semi-intensive management, balanced ration (concentrate and forage) feeding. N. caninum seropositive dams were more likely to abort and to have repeated abortions than seronegative ones. N. caninum DNA was isolated from aborted foetuses. (Sánchez-Sánchez et al., 2021a, Sánchez-Sánchez et al., 2021b)
Extremadura: Badajoz, and Andalusia: Córdoba and Jaén ELISA (ID Screen Neospora caninum Indirect Multispecies,, France) 4/209 1.9 3/12 25.0 Culled Merino and crossbred ewes with no particular disease, extensive
breeding systems
(Astorga et al., 2014)
Castilla-La Mancha: Ciudad Real province ELISA (cELISA Neospora caninum Antibody Test Kit, VMRD, USA) 7/180 3.9 ns/17 ns Manchega sheep flocks, male and female sheep (Ruiz-Fons et al., 2014)
Galicia ELISA (ID Screen Neospora caninum Indirect Multi-species,, France) 132/2400 5.5 32/44 72.7 Healthy adult sheep (> 6 months) from lamb-producing flocks (Díaz et al., 2014)
Galicia: Lugo Province ELISA (cELISA Neospora caninum Antibody Test Kit, VMRD, USA) 18/177 10.1 ns ns Meat crossbred ewes, semi-extensive breeding system, grazing with hay or silage supplement (Panadero et al., 2010)
Switzerland Country-wide ELISA (ID Screen® Neospora caninum Indirect,, France) + immunoblot (in house) of inconclusive sera 5/653 0.8 4/143 2.8 Randomly sampled general sheep population, healthy animals, different sex and ages This study
Zurich IFAT (in house, cut-off 1:160) 12/117 10.3 1/1 100 Ewes from a flock with abortion problems. N. caninum DNA detected in aborted foetuses (Hässig et al., 2003)
United Kingdom England and Wales ELISA (Mastazyme, Mast Diagnostics) + verification of positive sera by IFAT (in house, cut-off 1:50) 3/660 0.45 ns ns Ewes, which had recently aborted, sent by veterinary practitioners (Helmick et al., 2002)

ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; cELISA: competitive ELISA; IFAT: indirect fluorescent antibody test; ns: not specified.