Figure 3.
Clinical Usefulness of PsyMetRiC in The PsyMetab and PAFIP Samples Before and After Logistic Calibration. A = Full-Model – PsyMetab (Switzerland); B = Full-Model – PAFIP (Spain); C = Partial-Model – PsyMetab (Switzerland); D = Partial-Model – PAFIP (Spain).
The plot reports net benefit (y axis) of PsyMetRiC Full- and Partial-Models (blue dotted line = original PsyMetRiC algorithm applied to the sample; red solid line = recalibrated site-specific version) across a range of risk thresholds (x axis) compared with intervening in all (grey solid line) or intervening in none (black solid line). In Decision Curve Analysis, it is customary to consider only the range of risk-thresholds that may reasonably be considered in clinical practice. Our upper bound of 0.30 represents around a one-in-three chance of developing MetS should nothing change, and it is unlikely that risk thresholds greater would be tolerated. Net harm (i.e., more false positives than true positives exposed to an intervention at a selected risk threshold) is indicated when the decision curve line is plotted at y<0. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)