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. 2022 Aug 27;22:323. doi: 10.1186/s12883-022-02848-2

Table 3.

Retina angiography data of MOGAD-ON eyes in comparison to AQP4-Ab-ON eyes and health controls

Eye = 26 Eye = 40 Eye = 60 B SE p B SE p
Optic disk RPC (%) 49.53 (4.87) 49.14 (6.42) 55.35 (3.82) −0.072 0.051 0.154 −0.288 0.069 0.000*
Capillary RPC (%) 52.74 (5.98) 48.63 (7.51) 51.14 (2.13) −0.058 0.046 0.203 −0.808 0.194 0.000*
Superficial retina VD
 Whole VD (%) 44.22 (4.69) 46.01 (6.31) 51.99 (2.88) −0.041 0.041 0.320 −0.560 0.122 0.000*
 Fovea (%) 13.16 (6.43) 15.31 (6.02) 19.91 (6.60) −0.045 0.045 0.310 −0.168 0.452 0.000*
 para-TEM (%) 46.13 (5.55) 48.27 (6.56) 53.31 (3.38) −0.029 0.039 0.462 −0.323 0.074 0.000*
 para-SUP (%) 47.93 (6.07) 49.26 (6.77) 54.53 (4.02) −0.039 0.043 0.366 −0.263 0.065 0.000*
 para-NAS (%) 44.64 (6.16) 47.93 (6.57) 52.83 (3.86) −0.090 0.044 0.040* −0.315 0.073 0.000*
 para-INF (%) 45.22 (6.73) 47.87 (6.84) 53.43 (4.76) −0.066 0.042 0.110 −0.231 0.054 0.000*
 peri-TEM (%) 42.54 (3.56) 44.30 (5.56) 48.40 (2.77) −0.097 0.058 0.094 −0.498 0.103 0.000*
 peri-SUP (%) 45.01 (5.18) 46.54 (7.39) 53.09 (2.98) −0.043 0.428 0.313 −0.511 0.116 0.000*
 peri-NAS (%) 46.73 (6.0)1 48.92 (6.83) 55.89 (2.77) −0.059 0.436 0.173 −0.507 0.112 0.000*
 peri-INF (%) 44.41 (6.07) 46.27 (7.34) 52.53 (3.17) −0.053 0.417 0.207 −0.402 0.091 0.000*
Deep retina VD
 Whole VD (%) 48.01 (7.58) 52.61 (6.72) 54.84 (5.41) −0.091 0.040 0.022* −0.163 0.045 0.000*
 Fovea (%) 29.28 (7.03) 31.99 (6.88) 37.12 (8.06) −0.046 0.041 0.259 −0.123 0.036 0.001*
 para-TEM (%) 54.38 (8.16) 57.78 (4.84) 59.57 (3.72) −0.086 0.050 0.087 −0.192 0.062 0.002*
 para-SUP (%) 53.75 (7.39) 57.73 (5.19) 58.25 (4.35) −1.488 1.532 0.044* −0.137 0.048 0.004*
 para-NAS (%) 53.75 (8.18) 57.64 (5.69) 59.47 (4.24) −0.107 0.049 0.029* −0.172 0.053 0.001*
 para-INF (%) 50.77 (8.44) 56.03 (5.98) 57.38 (5.32) −0.101 0.042 0.016* −0.142 0.042 0.001*
 peri-TEM (%) 51.52 (6.90) 54.68 (6.76) 57.86 (4.86) −0.073 0.039 0.062 −0.197 0.052 0.000*
 peri-SUP (%) 48.12 (9.65) 53.18 (8.12) 56.40 (6.65) −0.063 0.032 0.052 −0.129 0.038 0.001*
 peri-NAS (%) 47.18 (9.17) 54.19 (7.45) 55.01 (6.50) −0.098 0.035 0.005* −0.130 0.037 0.000*
 peri-INF (%) 47.58 (8.55) 52.86 (8.09) 55.21 (6.70) −0.073 0.033 0.028* −0.125 0.036 0.000*

AQP4-ON Aquaporin4-IgG seropositive optical neuritis, B Beta, GCC Ganglion cell complex, HC Health controls, INF Inferior quadrant, MOGAD-ON MOG-Ab-associated disease optical neuritis, NAS Nasal quadrant, pRNFL peri-papillary retinal nerve fiber layer, RPC radial peripapillary capillaries,  SUP Superior quadrant, SE Standard error, TEM Temporal quadrant, VD Vessel densities, * p<0.05