Figure 1. Behavioral setup, task, and session structure.
A, Behavioral setup with NHP, touchscreen, and transducer. The NHP sat in the chair so it could reach the touchscreen. The transducer was aligned to preplanned targets using a stereotaxic positioner and the Brainsight neuronavigation system. A water degasser was connected to a bladder coupling system that filled the space between the transducer and the scalp. A function generator created the sonication waveform, which was amplified and input to the transducer. B, Three example trials of the task as viewed by the NHP. During the CUE period, a yellow bar prompted the NHP to initiate the trial. The orientation of the bar indicated the amount of reward given for correct performance (vertical = 1 drop; horizontal = 5 drops.) Two motion patches then appeared (CHOICE) and the correct response was to touch the patch in which the dots were moving coherently.