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. 2022 Feb 26;28(4):297–309. doi: 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2022.01.016

Table 1.

Studies of patients with tuberculosis in the intensive care setting.

Study Country (incidence per 100.000) Study Duration Study Design Patients n Mean* age of patients (years) M:F Co-morbidities n (%) TB diagnosis before ICU admission n (%) Indication for ICU admission
Penner et al 27 (1995) Canada
1984–1994 Retrospective 13 47 ± 14.0 6:7 Alcohol abuse 6 (46.2)
Malnourished 7 (53.8)
7 (53.8) NR
Erbes et al 14 (2006) Germany
1990–2001 Retrospective 58 44.7 ± 17.7 36:12 Malnourished 30 (51.7)
Liver damage 38 (65.5)
Alcohol abuse 35 (60.3)
Smoking 40 (69.0)
46 (79.3) ARDS 47 (81.1%)
Sharma et al20 (2006) India
1980–2003 Retrospective 29 31.6 ± 10.9 16:13 Liver damage 11 (39.3)
Alcohol abuse 3 (10.3)
Diabetes 2 (6.9)
Pregnancy/post partum 4 (13.8)
6(19) NR
Ryu et al 7 (2006) Korea
1995–2005 Retrospective 32 69 (25–88) 20:12 Diabetes 4 (12.5)
Tuberculosis destroyed lung 4 (12.5)
Immunosuppressive therapy 5 (15.6)
6 (19) NR
Lin et al 28 (2009) Taiwan
2004–2005 Retrospective 59 76.9 ± 9.8 (F)
70.8 ± 18.9 (S)
46:13 COPD 12 (20.3)
CHF 11 (18.6)
DM 13 (22.0)
Chronic steroid use 13 (22.0)
Malignancy 12 (20.3)
Valade et al 13 (2012) France
2000–2009 Retrospective 53 41 [32–52] 40:13 HIV 12 (23.6)
Smoking 32 (60.4)
Alcohol use 22 (41.5)
IVDU 6 (11.3)
40 (75) NR
Balkema et al 29 (2014) South Africa
2012–2013 Prospective 83 36.5 ± 12.9 38:45 HIV 44 (53)
DM 9 (10.8)
COPD 6 (7.2)
32 (38.6) ARDS 56 (67.5)
Lanoix et al 30 (2014) France
2000–2009 Retrospective 97 47.4 ± 14.7 77:20 HIV 40 (41.2) NR Sepsis 7 (7.2)
ARF 42 (43.3)
Neurological disorder 25 (25.8)
Haemoptysis 7 (7.2)
Rollas et al 8 (2015) Turkey
2009–2014 Retrospective 16 45 [24–74] 9:7 Immunosuppression 8 (50)
Heart failure 2 (12.5)
NR Neurological 5 (31.3)
Sepsis 5 (31.3)
Haemoptysis 1 (6.3)
ARF 5 (31.3)
Filiz et al 31 (2016) Turkey
2010–2013 Retrospective 35 47 [16–83] 27:8 DM 8 (22.9)
Silicosis 2 (5.7)
NR ARF 20 (57.1)
Sepsis 7 (20)
Massive haemoptysis 3 (8.6)
Extrapulmonary TB 3 (8.6)
Kim et al 21 (2016) Korea
2011–2014 Retrospective 41 56.3 [47–73] 35:6 Hypertension 6 (14.6)
DM 5 (12.2)
Liver damage 4 (9.8)
Malignancies 3 (7.3)
10 (24.4) NR
Duro et al 32 (2017) Portugal
2007–2014 Retrospective 39 52 (37.5- 62.8) 29:10 Immunodeficiency 18 (46.2)
Smoking 13 (33.3)
Alcohol abuse 8 (20.5)
Drug addiction 9 (23.1)
COPD 8 (20.5)
Malnourished 10 (25.6)
39 (100) ARF 20 (51.3)
Septic shock 8 (20.5)
Post surgical 5 (12.8)
Post CPR 4 (10.3)
LOC 2 (5.1)
Kim et al 33 (2018) Korea
2005–2016 Retrospective 125 66 (57-74) 104:21 Smoking 59 (47.2)
Diabetes 25 (20.0)
Hypertension 31 (24.8)
CHD/CVD 40 (32.0)
Chronic lung disease 53 (42.4)
Liver disease 8 (6.4)
Chronic kidney disease 5 (4.0)
Malignancy 13 (10.4)
NR Pneumonia 73 (58)
Acute exacerbation 20 (16)
Haemoptysis 19 (15)
Muthu et al 34 (2018) India
2001–2016 Retrospective 63 37.3 ± 19 27:36 NR 55 (87.3) NR
Tatar et al 19 (2018) Turkey
2004–2010 Retrospective 40 55 (43-63) 33: 7 Smoking 22 (55)
COPD 12 (30)
Diabetes 7 (17.5)
Cardiovascular disease 3 (7.5)
Psychiatric disorder 3 (7.5)
7 (17.5) ARF 40 (100)