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. 2022 Aug 29;22:1628. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-14057-0

Table 4.

Factors associated with perceiving cannabidiol as harmful or not (multinomial logistic regression, with ‘no opinion’ as reference)

Variables Cannabidiol is not harmful1
(n = 397)
Cannabidiol is harmful1
(n = 636)
aRRR [95% CI] P-value aRRR [95% CI] P-value
Age (in years) 0.98 [0.97—0.99]  < 10–3 0.99 [0.98 – 1.00] 0.007
 Men 1 1
 Women 1.40 [1.01—1.94] 0.044 0.90 [0.67—1.19] 0.453
Country of birth
 France 1 1
 Elsewhere 0.43 [0.22—0.87] 0.018 0.53 [0.29—0.95] 0.032
Alcohol use2
 Never 1 0.002 1 0.151
 Occasional 1.19 [0.82—1.72] 0.368 1.13 [0.81—1.57] 0.479
 Regular 2.25 [1.41—3.57] 0.001 1.51 [0.99—2.30] 0.057
Cannabis use
 No 1 1
 Yes 8.21 [2.80—24.06]  < 10–3 5.52 [1.95—15.65] 0.001
‘Alternative medicines provide better solutions to health problems than conventional medicines’
 Disagree 1  < 10–3 1 0.001
 Agree 1.26 [0.81—1.95] 0.301 1.21 [0.81—1.81] 0.351
 No opinion 0.57 [0.38—0.84] 0.005 0.64 [0.45—0.92] 0.015
Preferred means to obtain information
 Television 1 0.005 1 0.017
 Radio 1.33 [0.79—2.24] 0.284 1.21 [0.74—1.97] 0.443
 Print media 0.47 [0.26—0.86] 0.014 0.65 [0.40—1.07] 0.088
 Online media 1.80 [1.04—3.10] 0.035 1.58 [0.95—2.62] 0.079
 Other internet3 1.47 [0.93—2.33] 0.098 1.53 [1.00—2.33] 0.049
 Close family members and friends 1.10 [0.69—1.73] 0.691 1.42 [0.95—2.12] 0.089

aRRR adjusted relative risk ratio, CI confidence interval

1 Not at all harmful vs. a little harmful, quite harmful, and very harmful

2 Never vs. occasional (less than once a week or around once a week) vs. regular (several times a week or every day or almost every day)

3 Non-media websites and social networks