Fig. 9.
Super-resolution images generated from orthogonal slice directions. This figure demonstrates a super-resolution approach using anisotropic image acquired in orthogonal slice directions (axial, sagittal, and coronal). The patient is a 69-year-old man with stable RRMS. (A) 3T FLAIR imaging demonstrates a right periventricular lesion (conspicuity = 0.18) in the three orthogonal planes. (B) 64mT imaging of the same lesion (conspicuity = 0.11) using an axial FLAIR acquisition with sagittal and coronal reformatted images. (C) Corresponding axial, sagittal, and coronal slices from separate acquisitions in each direction (conspicuity: axial = 0.11, sagittal = 0.09, and coronal = 0.13) registered to the axial image by affine transformation. (D) Corresponding super-resolution images generated by averaging the coregistered axial, sagittal, and coronal acquisitions in C (conspicuity: linear = 0.11, nearest-neighbor = 0.13).