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. 2022 Jun 9;14(3):643–668.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2022.06.001

Figure 13.

Figure 13

Increased proliferation and dedifferentiation markers in CA-PKA mice.A–H, Stomach sections from 6-week- and 12-month-old control and CA-PKA mice co-stained with PCNA antiserum (red, proliferation) and GSII-lectin (green). Arrows show proliferation zone in control corpus (A & E) and antrum (C & G). In 6-week- and 12-month-old mutant corpus (B & F), increased PCNA+ cells are shown in the epithelial (arrows) and stromal (arrowheads) compartments; and in the neck (arrows) and base (arrowheads) of the mutant antral glands (D & H). I, Representative immunoblots and quantification graphs (∗P < .05) showing relative PCNA (n = 4) and CD44 (n = 4) levels in the corpus of CA-PKA mutants vs control. Fold change (P < .05 or less) in the markers of (J) growth factors and genes involved in (K) pyroptosis and necroptosis identified by RNAseq. All data with green bars show significant gene changes with P value of .05 or less. L–O. Corpus and antrum sections of 12-month-old control and CA-PKA mice co-stained with SOX9 antiserum (red, dedifferentiation) and GSII-lectin (green). In control corpus (L), SOX9 is shown in a few epithelial cells (arrowheads); and in the base of antral glands (arrowheads) (N). SOX9 +cells were dramatically increased in the mutant corpus (arrowheads) (M); and antrum (arrowheads) (O). Scale bars = 50 μm.