FIG. 3.
Primer extension analyses to map the 5′ ends within and adjacent to the wild-type RNase E site at position 1205 in strain ΔRC6(pTΔMBP6) or the modified RNase E site in strain ΔRC6(pTΔMBP6/11) at the same position. After addition of rifampin, total RNA was isolated at the time points indicated. Each reaction contained 10 μg of total RNA. For primer extensions and the sequencing reaction as described previously (11, 16), we used the primer 5′-GGCGGCGGAAAGATGGAGATC-3′. The arrows mark the 5′ ends within the RNase E cleavage sites [between G/C and C/U in strain ΔRC6(pTΔMBP6) and G/A in strain ΔRC6(pTΔMBP6/11)]. An additional 5′ end 13 nt upstream of the modified RNase E site in strain ΔRC6(pTΔMBP6/11) was mapped, which is also marked with an arrow.