Figure 6. Value memory representation of neurons in the p-thalamus many days after the last learning.
A. Passive viewing (PV) task schedule across days. The value memory was tested at 4 stages of object learning: (1) before learning, (2) within the first day of learning, (3) after short-term retention (≤ 30 days) with long-term learned objects, and (4) after long-term retention (> 200 days) with long-term learned objects. B. Value discrimination indices for each learning phase. The number of neurons (n) is shown at each data point. ** p< 0.001, ***p<0.0001 by one-way ANOVA and multiple comparison test. C-H. Neuronal responses to the central fixation dot, fractal objects, and reward outcomes in the PV task for different learning phases: before object-value associative learning (C and D), within the first day of learning (E and F), and long-term retention after the last learning (G and H). Red and blue lines indicate the neuronal activities to high-valued and low-valued objects, respectively. Green line indicates the difference of neuronal activities to high-valued and low-valued objects. Black lines in bold indicate times that show statistically significant value discrimination activity in the middle panels (paired t-test, p < 0.05). Yellow arrows indicate the initiation time of value discrimination. The initiation times are shown under yellow arrows. The number of neurons (n) is shown.