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. 2021 Apr 2;88(3):445–470. doi: 10.1016/j.bjorl.2021.03.002

Table 4.

Prevalence and swallowing outcomes assessed and demonstrated by the selected studies.

Study authorship, publication date Swallowing outcomes Absolute number of patients with the outcome/total of patients (affectation disease)
Warnecke et al., 20099 FEDSS Number of patients who presented each score
1 73
2 25
3 20
4 15
5 12
6 8
FEDSS prediction for modified ranking scale
Independence (mRS 0–2) 76 (49.7%)
Dependency (mRS 3–6) 77 (50.3%)
Warnecke et al., 201026 Dysphagia severity
Non-relevant findings 3∕18 (PSP) 2∕15 (PD)
Mild dysphagia 7∕18 (PSP) 5∕15 (PD)
Moderate dysphagia 5∕18 (PSP) 3∕15 (PD)
Severe dysphagia 3∕18 (PSP) 5∕15 (PD)
Mandysova et al., 201121 Change in FEES × Change in BBDS 31 (87) × 66 (87); S = 87.1%; E = 30.4%
Change in FEES × Change in BBDS neurological patients 21 (72) × 57 (72); S = 95.2%; E = 27.5%
D’Ottaviano et al., 201331 Changes in the swallowing phases
Oral preparation 7/11 (ALS)
Oral and pharyngeal transit 11/11 (ALS)
Pharyngeal phase 11/11 (ALS)
Laryngeal penetration or tracheal aspiration 10/11 (ALS)
Pilz et al., 201436 Aspiration of thin liquid 17/45 (DM1)
Aspiration of thick liquid 02/45 (DM1)
Mean difference between DM1 × controls
Thin liquid 0.56 (0.17. 0.95)
Thick liquid 1.27 (0.90. 1.64)
Solid 1.63 (0.46. 5.87)
The major difference between groups is in relation to a larger piece of solid compared to the liquid.
Somasundaram et al., 201437 Clinical evaluation outcomes and FEES, n (%) Dysphagia (n = 41) Without dysphagia (n = 26)
Dysarthria 9 (22) 10 (39)
Dysphonia 4 (10) 7 (27)
Altered gag reflection 13 (32) 2 (8)
Altered voluntary cough 26 (63) 8 (31)
Cough after swallowing 25 (61) 5 (19)
Vocal alteration after swallowing 1 (3) 1 (4)
Leder et al., 201622 Patients’ oral intake status
Oral route 392∕961
Nothing by mouth 132∕961
Via oral 329∕961
Nothing by mouth 105∕961
Marian et al., 201732 Dysphagia severity scale (FEEDS)
Grade 1 normal 0/50 (stroke)
Grade 2 0/50 (stroke)
Grade 3 24/50 (stroke)
Grade 4 6/50 (stroke)
Grade 5 18/50 (stroke)
Grade 6 severe 0/50 (stroke)
de Lima Alvarenga et al., 201823 Saliva stasis 94 (no) 6 (yes)
Pharyngeal residue 61 (no) 39 (yes)
Laryngeal penetration 91 (no) 9 (yes)
Aspiration 98 (no) 2 (yes)
Laryngeal sensitivity 8 (no) 92 (yes)
Nienstedt et al., 201827 DSFS score PD patients (119) PAS 1–2 (80) PAS 7–8 (28) PD patients (119) Controls (32)
2 (moist lips only) 59 (50%) 46 (58%) 11 (39%) 88 (74%) 28 (88%)
4 18 (15%) 14 (18%) 4 (14%) 25 (21%) 3 (9%)
5 20 (17%) 11 (14%) 5 (18%) 3 (3%) 0 (0%)
6 10 (8%) 5 (6%) 3 (11%) 3 (3%) 1 (3%)
7 8 (7%) 4 (5%) 2 (7%)
8 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 1 (4%)
9 Sialorrhea (constantly wetting clothes, hands, objects) 3 (3%) 0 (0%) 2 (7%)
Pflug et al., 201828 Parkinson’s Disease Patients (119)
Presence of dysphagia, n (%) 113 (95)
Laryngeal penetration or aspiration, n (%) 66 (55)
Aspiration alone, n (%) 30 (25)
Consistency with higher percentage of aspiration Liquid (water)
PAS of patients with water aspiration, n (%) 7–8. 28 (23.5)
PAS of patients with bread-and-butter aspiration, n 7–8. 5 of the previous 28
SBP 2–6, n (%) 37 (31%)
Waste in general, most commonly with bread, n (%) 111 (93%)
Build-up with bread 60 (50%)
Build-up considered severe 23 (19%)
Premature leakage (score >1) for water, n (%) 11 (8)
Premature leakage (score >1) for cracker, n (%) 21 (18)
Premature leakage (score >1) for bread, n (%) 4 (3)
Umay et al., 201840 Outcomes in EAT-10 and FEES EAT-10 FEES
Group 1 (n = 24) without dysphagia 9 (37.5%) 0
Group 2 (n = 12) with dysphagia 10 (83.3%) 11 (91.7%)
Group 3 (n = 25) healthy controls 2 (8%) 0
Braun et al., 201924 FEDSS (2–6) determining dysphagia 110 (72.4%)
FOIS (diet modification) 105 (69.1%)
48 (31.6%) with oral restriction
57 (37.5%) decreased restrictions
76.6% nothing by mouth (did not change the initial outcome before and after FEES)
Farneti et al., 201941 Time – Consistency – FOIS scale:
Total time – pasty −1.32
Time in sec – pasty 1.12
Total time – regular (solid) −1.92
Time in sec – regular −2.43
Total time – liquid −0.43
Time in sec – liquid −0.90
Time-Consistency-DOSS scale:
Total time – pasty −0.29
Time in sec – pasty 0.02
Total time – regular (solid) −1.33
Time in sec – regular −0.93
Total time – liquid −0.48
Time in sec – liquid −0.63
Imaizumi et al., 201934 Outcomes assessed: Swallowing disorder not detectable (n = 64) Detectable change in swallowing (n = 42)
FEES score 2 5
Laryngotracheal aspiration (number of patients) 7 17
Mean laryngeal penetration-aspiration score 1 2
Ability to eat by mouth (International Classification of Functionality) (number of patients) level 2
Suntrup-Krueger et al., 201925 Successful extubation (101) Reintubation (32)
The 3-ounce water swallow test
Time after extubation, hours 16.6 ± 15.5 18.1 ± 43.2
Test failure, n (%) 12 (17.6) 13 (68.4)
Secretion assessment, n (%)
Normal 70 (82.4) 6 (23.1)
Vallecula 7 (8.2) 1 (3.8)
Laryngeal vestibule, temporarily 7 (8.2) 7 (26.9)
Laryngeal vestibule, permanently 1 (1.2) 12 (46.2)
Murray’s Secretion Scale 0.3 ± 0.7 2.0 ± 1.2
Frequency of spontaneous swallowing, n (%)
0 min 0 (0.0) 8 (30.8)
1–3 min 32 (37.6) 15 (57.7)
>3 min 53 (62.4) 3 (11.5)
Pharyngeal sensitivity, n (%)
Intact 40 (47.1) 1 (3.8)
Reduced 15 (17.6) 12 (46.2)
Absent 4 (4.7) 7 (26.9)
Not specified 26 (30.6) 6 (23.1)
Pasty consistency, exposed n (%) 73 (85.9) 7 (26.9)
Penetration 13 (15.3) 3 (11.5)
Aspiration 4 (4.7) 3 (11.5)
Liquid, exposed n (%) 77 (90.6) 19 (73.1)
Penetration 37 (43.5) 18 (69.2)
Aspiration 25 (29.4) 15 (57.7)
Soft solid, exposed n (%) 33 (38.8) 0 (0.0)
Penetration 1 (1.2)
Aspiration 0 (0.0)
Posterior leakage
Without leakage 21 (24.7) 0 (0.0)
In vallecula 21 (24.7) 2 (7.7)
In pyriform sinus 14 (16.5) 4 (15.4)
In laryngeal vestibule 17 (20.0) 17 (65.4)
Not specified 12 (14.1) 3 (11.5)
Schröder et al., 201935 Discrete pharyngeal residues, n (%) 10 (50%)
Location of these residues, valleculae 10 (100%)
Location of these residues, pyriform sinuses 3 (30%)
Premature leakage 0 (0%)
Penetration/aspiration events 0 (0%)
Concentration of substance P in saliva
In patients with pharyngeal dysphagia 9.644 pg∕mL
In control patients 17.591 pg∕mL
Shapira-Galitz et al.,201930 Outcomes in patients with neurological diagnoses: 54 (39.7%)
EAT-10 Hebrew validation 15.87 ± 8.98
Penetration-aspiration scale 4.43 ± 3.04
FEES score 2.56 ± 2.0
FOIS – Functional Oral Intake Scale 5.85 ± 1.42
Souza et al., 201938 First FEES Last FEES
5 mL 10 mL 5 mL 10 mL
Posterior oral leakage 1 1 1 NT
Pharyngeal residues in valleculae 2 2 3 NT
Pharyngeal residues in pyriform sinuses 1 2 NT
Laryngeal penetration 0 0 3 NT
Laryngotracheal aspiration 0 0 0 NT
Thickened liquid 1 1 1 NT
Posterior oral leakage 1 2 2 NT
Pharyngeal residues in valleculae 1 2 2 NT
Pharyngeal residues in pyriform sinuses 1 1 2 NT
Laryngeal penetration 3 3 5 NT
Laryngotracheal aspiration 0 00 NT
Posterior oral leakage 1 1 1 NT
Pharyngeal residues in valleculae 1 1 1 NT
Pharyngeal residues in pyriform sinuses 1 1 1 NT
Laryngeal penetration 3 3 5 NT
Laryngotracheal aspiration 0 0 7
Souza et al., 201939 Total frequency of residues in pasty and liquid consistencies Presence Absence
Pasty (n = 30) 19 (63.33%) 11 (36.67%)
Thickened liquid (n = 27) 16 (59.26%) 11 (40.74%)
Residues in valleculae, pasty consistency Yale scale (0–2) Yale scale (3–4)
GI 9 (90%) 1 (10%)
GII 9 (90%) 1 (10%)
GIII 9 (90%) 1 (10%)
Consistency of residues in pyriform sinuses
GI 10 (100%) 0 (0%)
GII 9 (90%) 1 (10%)
GIII 10 (100%) 0 (0%)
Consistency of residues in valleculae, thickened liquid
GI 9 (100%) 0 (0%)
GII 8 (89%) 1 (11%)
GIII 9 (100%) 0 (0%)
Consistency of residues in pyriform sinuses, thickened liquid
GI 9 (100%) 0 (0%)
GII 8 (89%) 1 (11%)
GIII 9 (100%) 0 (0%)
Gozzer et al., 201933 Outcomes assessed: Liquid Thickened liquid Pasty
Posterior oral leakage 10 (55%) 10 (52.6%) 10 (50%)
Pharyngeal residue 4 (22.2%) 8 (42.1%) 8 (40%)
Laryngeal penetration 7 (38.8%) 5 (26.3%) 6 (30%)
Laryngotracheal aspiration 3 (16.6%) 1 (5.2%) 1 (5%)

BBDS, brief bedside dysphagia screening; S, sensitivity; E, specificity; FEEDS, Functional Evaluation of Eating Difficulties Scale; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy; PD, Parkinson’s disease; FEES, fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing; FEDSS, fiberoptic endoscopic dysphagia severity score; ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; DM 1, muscular dystrophy type 1; PAS, penetration-aspiration scale; EAT-10, Eating Assessment Tool; FOIS, Functional Oral Intake Scale; NT, not tested.