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. 2022 Aug 29;2022(8):CD011677. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011677.pub3
ID Search
#1 MeSH descriptor: [Schools] this term only
#2 ((primary or elementary or middle or junior or high or secondary) near/1 (school* or student*))
#3 kinder*
#4 {OR #1‐#3}
#5 implement*
#6 MeSH descriptor: [Health Promotion] this term only and with qualifier(s): [methods ‐ MT]
#7 MeSH descriptor: [Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care] this term only
#8 MeSH descriptor: [Process Assessment, Health Care] this term only
#9 MeSH descriptor: [Outcome Assessment, Health Care] this term only
#10 MeSH descriptor: [Program Evaluation] this term only
#11 dissemin*:ti,ab
#12 adopt*:ti,ab
#13 practice:ti,ab
#14 (organi?ational NEXT change*):ti,ab
#15 diffus*:ti,ab
#16 (system* near/2 change*):ti,ab
#17 (quality NEXT improvement*):ti,ab
#18 transform*:ti,ab
#19 translat*:ti,ab
#20 transfer*:ti,ab
#21 uptake*:ti,ab
#22 sustainab*:ti,ab
#23 institutionali*:ti,ab
#24 routin*:ti,ab
#25 maintenance:ti,ab
#26 capacity:ti,ab
#27 incorporat*:ti,ab
#28 adher*:ti,ab
#29 ((polic* or practice* or program* or innovation*) near/5 (performance or feedback or prompt* or reminder* or incentive* or penalt* or communicat* or (social NEXT market*) or (professional NEXT development) or network* or leadership or (opinion NEXT leader*) or (consensus NEXT process*) or (change NEXT manage*) or train* or audit*)):ti,ab
#30 integrat*:ti,ab
#31 (scale‐up or scaled‐up):ti,ab
#32 {OR #5‐#31}
#33 MeSH descriptor: [Obesity] 4 tree(s) exploded
#34 MeSH descriptor: [Weight Gain] this term only
#35 MeSH descriptor: [Weight Loss] explode all trees
#36 obes*:ti,ab
#37 ("weight gain" or "weight loss"):ti,ab
#38 (overweight or "over weight" or overeat* or (over NEXT eat*)):ti,ab
#39 "weight‐change*":ti,ab
#40 ((bmi or "body mass index") near/2 (gain or loss or change)):ti,ab
#41 MeSH descriptor: [Primary Prevention] explode all trees
#42 ("primary prevention" or "secondary prevention"):ti,ab
#43 ((preventive NEXT measure*) or (preventative NEXT measure*)):ti,ab
#44 ("preventive care" or "preventative care"):ti,ab
#45 (obes* near/2 (prevent* or treat*)):ti,ab
#46 {OR #33‐#45}
#47 MeSH descriptor: [Exercise] explode all trees
#48 physical‐activity:ti,ab
#49 physical‐inactivity:ti,ab
#50 MeSH descriptor: [Motor Activity] this term only
#51 ("physical education" or "physical training" or ("physical NEXT exercis*")):ti,ab
#52 MeSH descriptor: [Physical Education and Training] this term only
#53 MeSH descriptor: [Physical Fitness] this term only
#54 sedentary:ti,ab
#55 MeSH descriptor: [Life Style] explode all trees
#56 MeSH descriptor: [Leisure Activities] explode all trees
#57 MeSH descriptor: [Dancing] this term only
#58 dancing:ti,ab
#59 aerobic*:ti,ab
#60 sport*:ti,ab
#61 ((lifestyle* or life‐style*) near/5 (program* or activ* or change*))
#62 {OR #47‐#61}
#63 MeSH descriptor: [Diet] explode all trees
#64 nutrition*:ti,ab
#65 healthy‐eating:ti,ab
#66 MeSH descriptor: [Child Nutrition Sciences] this term only
#67 fruit*:ti,ab
#68 vegetable*:ti,ab
#69 MeSH descriptor: [Fruit and Vegetable Juices] this term only
#70 canteen*:ti,ab
#71 food‐service*:ti,ab
#72 menu*:ti,ab
#73 calorie*:ti,ab
#74 MeSH descriptor: [Energy Intake] this term only
#75 energy‐density:ti,ab
#76 MeSH descriptor: [Eating] this term only
#77 MeSH descriptor: [Feeding Behavior] this term only
#78 ((feeding or eating) near/1 behavio?r*):ti,ab
#79 "dietary intake":ti,ab
#80 MeSH descriptor: [Feeding Behavior] this term only
#81 MeSH descriptor: [Food] this term only
#82 MeSH descriptor: [Carbonated Beverages] this term only
#83 soft‐drink*:ti,ab
#84 soda:ti,ab
#85 sweetened‐drink*:ti,ab
#86 MeSH descriptor: [Dietary Fats] this term only
#87 MeSH descriptor: [Dietary Fats, Unsaturated] this term only
#88 confectionar*:ti,ab
#89 (school near/1 (lunch* or meal*)):ti,ab
#90 ((feeding or food or nutrition*) near/1 program*):ti,ab
#91 cafeteria*:ti,ab
#92 MeSH descriptor: [Nutritional Status] this term only
#93 {OR #63‐#92}
#94 MeSH descriptor: [Smoking] explode all trees
#95 MeSH descriptor: [Tobacco Use Cessation] explode all trees
#96 smok*:ti,ab
#97 MeSH descriptor: [Nicotine] this term only
#98 MeSH descriptor: [Tobacco] this term only
#99 MeSH descriptor: [Tobacco Use] this term only
#100 ((ceas* or cess* or prevent* or stop* or quit* or abstin* or abstain* or reduc*) near/5 (smok* or tobacco or nicotine)):ti,ab
#101 MeSH descriptor: [Tobacco Use Disorder] this term only
#102 ex‐smoker*:ti,ab
#103 anti‐smok*:ti,ab
#104 {OR #94‐#103}
#105 MeSH descriptor: [Alcohol Drinking] this term only
#106 MeSH descriptor: [Binge Drinking] this term only
#107 alcohol*:ti,ab
#108 MeSH descriptor: [Alcoholic Intoxication] this term only
#109 MeSH descriptor: [Alcoholism] this term only
#110 drink*:ti,ab
#111 liquor*:ti,ab
#112 beer*:ti,ab
#113 wine*:ti,ab
#114 spirit*:ti,ab
#115 drunk*:ti,ab
#116 intoxicat*:ti,ab
#117 binge:ti,ab
#118 {OR #105‐#117}
#119 {OR #46, #62, #93, #104, #118}
#120 MeSH descriptor: [Adolescent] explode all trees
#121 MeSH descriptor: [Child] this term only
#122 (child or children or adolescen*):ti,ab
#123 {OR #120‐#122}
#124 {AND #4, #32, #119, #123}