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. 2022 Aug 25;22(3):314–324. doi: 10.18295/squmj.1.2022.003

Table 1.

Characteristics of studies included in the current meta-analysis47,10,12,19,20,2328,3864

Author and year of publication Study design/setting World Bank country income classification Country Infertile population FGTB testing method n (%)
Proportion of FGTB Proportion of infertility among FGTB patient
Overall infertility PI SI
Chattopadhyay et al.38 (1986) CS/HA High-income Saudi Arabia 945 NA 40 (4.2) NA NA NA
Tal et al.39 (2020) PC/HC High-income USA 323 QuantiFERON-TB 25 (7.7) NA NA NA
Abdissa et al.4 (2018) CS/HA Low-income Ethiopia 152 PCR, CP, HE 8 (5.3) 5 (62.5) 4 (50) 1 (12.5)
Abebe et al.13 (2004) CS/HA Low-income Ethiopia 25 AFB, CP, HE, PCR 16 (64) NA NA NA
Ali and Abdallah40 (2012) CS/HA Low-income Sudan 2,778 HE 25 (0.9) NA NA NA
Abdelrub and Al Harazi41 (2015) P/O/HA Low-income Yemen 151 AFB, PCR, CP, HE 47 (31.1) NA NA NA
Nezar et al.42 (2009) P/O/HA Lower-middle income Egypt 420 Laparoscopy, HE, PCR 24 (5.7) 24 (100) NA NA
Kumar et al.6 (2008) CS/HA Lower-middle income India 285 PCR 111 (39) 111 (100) NA NA
Mohakul et al.5 (2015) P/HC Lower-middle income India 105 PCR, hysteroscopy 41 (39) 41 (100) 24 (58) 17 (42)
Jindal10 (2006) R/HC Lower-middle income India 2,083 LAP, AFB, HE, MT, ELISA 10 (7.2) 146 (97.3) 105 (70) 41 (27.3)
Singh et al.43 (2008 R/HC Lower-middle income India 140 MH, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy 34 (48.5) NA NA NA
Sankar et al.44 (2013) R/HA Lower-middle income India 620 AFB, PCR, CP, HE 158 (25.5) 151 (95.5) 119 (78.8) 32 (21.2)
Mahajan et al.45 (2016) CS/HA Lower-middle income India 180 PCR, CP 74 (41) NA NA NA
Sethi et al.46 (2016) CS/HA Lower-middle income India 300 AFB, PCR, CP, HE 68 (22.7) NA NA NA
Chatterjee et al.65 (2018) CS/HA Lower-middle income India 120 PCR 2 (1.7) NA NA NA
Chowdhury et al.47 (2010) CO/HA Lower-middle income India 517 PCR 230 (44.5) 114 (49.7) NA NA
Saraswat et al.48 (2010) CS/HA Lower-middle income India 125 PCR, CP 26 (20.8) NA NA NA
Malhotra et al.49 (2012) O/HA Lower-middle income India 555 AFB, PCR, CP 140 (25.22) NA NA NA
GajBhIye et al.50 (2019) CS/O/HA Lower-middle income India 50 PCR 6 (12) 5 (83.3) 4 (80) 1 (20)
Bhanothu et al.51 (2014) P/CC/HA Lower-middle income India 302 PCR 86 (28.47) NA NA NA
Gurjar et al.20 (2018) O/HA Lower-middle income India 100 PCR 52 (52) NA NA NA
Patil et al.52 (2015) CS/HA Lower-middle income India 123 Gen-Probe MTD test 1 (0.8) NA NA NA
Goel et al.53 (2013) R/HA Lower-middle income India 546 PCR 20 (3.7) NA NA NA
Kamal et al.54 (2020) P/HA Lower-middle income India 100 PCR, HE 27 (27) NA 16 (59.4) 11 (40.6)
Kanti V et al.55 (2021) P/HC Lower-middle income India 59 CBNAAT, HE 2 (3.4) NA 2 (100) 0
Meenu et al.56 (2020) CS/HA Lower-middle income India 139 PCR 58 (41.7) NA NA NA
Shende et al.57 (2017) P/HA Lower-middle income India 120 PCR 32 (27) NA NA NA
Shrivastava & Patel7 (2014) P/HC Lower-middle income India 218 AFB, CP, HE, PCR 86 (39.45) NA NA NA
Ohri et al.58 (2016) P/HA Lower-middle income India 50 PCR 9 (18) NA 8 (88.9) 1 (11.1)
Parikh et al.59 (2014) P/HA Lower-middle income India 50 PCR 6 (12) NA 3 (50) 3 (50)
Gupta et al.60 (2007) R/HA Lower-middle income India 150 AFB, MT, PCR 40 (26.7) NA 30 (75) 10 (25)
Rajaram et al.61 (2016) PC/HA Lower-middle income India 50 HE, PCR 14 (28) NA NA NA
Ojo et al.19 (2008) R/HA Lower-middle income Nigeria 661 AFB, HE 3 (0.45) NA 1 (33.3) 2 (66.7)
Ojo et al.23 (1971) CS/HA Lower-middle income Nigeria 11,896 HE 82 (0.7) NA NA NA
Emembolu28 (1989) R/HA Lower-middle income Nigeria 114 AFB 19 (16.7) NA 9 (47.4) 10 (52.6)
Gini and Ikerionwu24 (1990) R/HA Lower-middle income Nigeria 4,700 HE 10 (0.2) NA NA NA
Shahzad62 (2012) R/HA Lower-middle income Pakistan 150 AFB, PCR, CP 30 (20) NA 25 (83.3) 5 (16.7)
Shaheen et al.63 (2009) CS/HA Lower-middle income Pakistan 534 CP, AFB-ZN, HE 13 (2.43) 13 (100) NA NA
Khan25 (1985) R/HA Upper-middle income Iran 91 LAP, HE 21 (23.08) NA 15 (71.4) 6 (28.6)
Shallal et al.64 (2021) PC/HA Upper-middle income Iraq 60 PCR, HE 6 (10) NA NA NA
Margolis et al.26 (1992) R/HA Upper-middle income South Africa 650 CP 40 (6.15) NA 16 (40) 24 (60)
Oosthuizen et al.27 (1990) CS/HA Upper-middle income South Africa 109 CP 23 (21) NA NA NA

FGTB = female genital tuberculosis; PI = primary infertility; SI = secondary infertility; CS = cross-sectional study; HA = hospital admitted patients; NA = Not available; PC = prospective cohort study; HC = infertility centre admitted patient; PCR = polymerase chain reaction test; CP = culture proven; HE = histopathological examination; AFB = acid-fast bacilli test; P = prospective study; O = observational study; R = retrospective study; LAP = laparotomy; MT = Mantoux test; ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; MH = menstrual history; CC = case control study; MTD= Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Direct test; CBNAAT = cartridge based nucleic acid amplification test; ZN = Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) smear microscopy.