Fig. 2.
Non-monolithic silicon impactor characteristics. (A) Fluidic simulation for the designed sieve visualizing particle trajectories of different sizes, coloured by particle diameter, generated using Ansys Fluent software for a nozzle with a diameter of 150 μm at a flow rate of 0.6 L/s. (B) Experimentally (triangles) measured and simulated (dotted line) pressure drop of the sieve versus flow rate. The rated comfort levels of a test panel for different flow rates and pressure drops are indicated as well with green dots being perceived as a comfortable, blue as a neutral and red as an uncomfortable user experience. (C) Normalized capture efficiency of the impactor as a function of particle diameter for different flow rates (crosses: 0.08 L/s, rectangles: 0.25 L/s, triangles: 0.42 L/s, and circles: 0.6 L/s). The error bars correspond to the standard deviation over 4 different impactor chips.