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. 2022 Jan 13;16(3):679–694. doi: 10.1007/s12105-022-01412-1

Table 2.

Pathologic features of Adamantinoma-like Ewing Sarcoma cases (n = 7)

Features Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7
Site Thyroid Parotid Parotid Nasal cavity Maxilla Maxilla Ethmoid/maxilla
Initial diagnosis Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma Sialoblastoma Basal cell adenocarcinoma Basaloid SCC Basaloid SCC Round cell tumor/solid pseudopapillary tumor ALES
Tumor size (cms) 3.7 3.3 2.2 5 5.5 3.6* 4.3
Cell morphology Round Round Basaloid Round Basaloid Round Round
Cellular appearance Monotonous Monotonous Monotonous Monotonous Monotonous Monotonous Monotonous
Architecture Nested Sheets and nests Nested-lobular Nested-lobular, focally trabecular Nested focally; sheets with fibrous bands Nested Nested
Rosettes Focal Absent Absent Absent Focal Absent Absent
Palisading# Focal Focal Focal Present Present Absent Absent
Squamous Absent Absent Present; abrupt Present; abrupt Absent Absent Absent
Keratinization Absent Absent Present Absent Absent Absent Absent
Calcification Present Absent Present Absent Absent Absent Absent
Follicle-like spaces Present Present Absent Present Absent Absent Absent
Stroma Hyalinised Minimal; thin fibrovascular septae Fibrotic Hyalinized Fibrous bands; focally myxoid Loose edematous Hyalinized
Colonization Present Present Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
Mitotic rate/2mm2 4 5 15 12 7 12 6
Necrosis Present; min Absent Present Absent Absent Present Absent
Lymphovascular invasion Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
Perineural invasion Absent Absent Present Absent Absent Absent Absent
R status R0 R0 R1 R0 R1 NA R0
Underlying bone NA NA NA Cartilage involved Involved NA Involved
Lymph nodes metastasis Clinically node negative Negative (0/3) Negative (0/1) Negative Negative (0/29) Not done Clinically node negative

SCC squamous cell carcinoma, ALES Adamantinoma-like Ewing sarcoma, min minimal, R status resection margins status, R0 negative margins, R1 microscopically positive margins, NA not available

*Tumor size on imaging

# focal- < 50% of the tumor