Comparison of structures of the traI-repA intergenic regions of six plasmids from the family Rhizobiaceae. (A) Extents of the intergenic regions and distribution of tra box-like sequences. As noted by the (?), the designation of traI in p42d and trbB in pRL8JI is based on similarities from limited available sequence. Roman numerals II and III in the Ti plasmid sequences indicate the two tra boxes located in the intergenic regions between traI and repA. (B) Alignment of the tra boxes, the lux box of V. fischeri, and the las box of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Arrowheads indicate the symmetry of the sequences; the dashed line separates sequences that are more related to the tra box consensus from those more related to the lux or las box sequences. Symbols in the consensus sequence: R, purine; Y, pyrimidine; S, G or C; N, any nucleotide.