Dependence of kobs on RNAP concentration for the pR−/pRM and D10 constructs. The kobs were determined as a function of [RNAP], and the data were fit to the equation kobs = (KB · kf) [RNAP]/(KB[RNAP] + 1), where [RNAP] is the concentration of enzyme, KB is the association constant for RNAP binding to the promoter in a closed complex, and kf is the first-order rate constant for the conversion of the closed to the open promoter complex. The curves are the result of the fits. Symbols: ■, promoter with the 10-bp deletion; ▿, wild-type DNA that has had the pR promoter inactivated by the base changes indicated in Fig. 1. The DNA concentration was kept constant (approximately 1 to 2 nM) for all concentrations of RNAP.