The time delay between the FtsZ/ZapA ring and N ring formation. (A and B) Timing of the formation of a persistent Z ring, Tz, versus timing for midcell accumulation of FtsN, Tn, for cells grown in M9 minimal media supplemented with (A) glucose-cas (N = 526) and (B) glycerol-TrE (N = 339). The solid red lines are the linear fit to the data Tn = (0.91 ± 0.03) Tz + (22 ± 0.8) min, (R = 0.77) for glucose-cas and Tn = 0.96 ± 0.03 Tz + (41 ± 2.2) min, (R = 0.84) for glycerol-TrE cells. The dashed black line corresponds to Tn = Tz. (C and D) Distributions of time delays between the Z ring and N ring formation (Tn − Tz) for cells grown in (C) glucose-cas media (21 ± 13 min; mean ± SD) and (D) in glycerol-TrE media (39 ± 22 min; mean ± SD).