Characterization of midbrain organoids. (A) Schematic method of the midbrain organoids generation. (B) Representative phase-contrast images of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) and midbrain organoids at day 2, day 9, and 4 weeks of maturation. (C–E) Representative Immunostaining fluorescence (IF) Images showing the expression of the differentiation markers (SOX2, FOXA2, TH, MAP2, and GFAP) in midbrain organoids after 2, 4 weeks of maturation. Hoechst was used for counter nuclei staining. (F) High-resolution images of MAP2 and GFAP in midbrain organoids. (G,H) The relative mRNA expression level of differentiation markers (SOX2, PAX3, LMX1a, TH, and MAP2) of undifferentiated hESC and midbrain organoids (2WM, 4WM). (I) Quantification of dopamine secretion to conditioned media from undifferentiated hESC and midbrain organoids (4WMs). Data are AVE ± SD [P < 0.05(*), P < 0.01(**)]. (Scale bar = 20 μm).