FIG 2.
Host plant has a strong effect on reducing fungal network complexity. (A, B, C) Fungal co-occurrence networks were established along the soil-root continuum based on the ASVs table. (C) Distribution patterns of the En-taxa and De-taxa in the networks of different niches. En-taxa and De-taxa were defined as the ASV abundances that were significantly higher and lower, respectively, in rhizoplane compared with those in bulk soil compartment in this study. Red lines in the networks represent significant positive relationships, and green lines denote negative relationships (Spearman’s correlation, P < 0.05). The characteristics of the co-occurrence network within each compartment niche were listed in the table; the percentages in brackets represent the proportion of each number of links relative to the total links for each treatment; a, degree of nodes tending to differentiate into different network modules; b, degree of nodes tending to cluster together; c, network path distance is the length of the shortest path between two nodes within the network; d, hub node is defined as a node with high values of degree (>60) and closeness centrality (>0.4) in the network. DI, depleted index; DSI, dissimilarity index.