Properties of potential carbon fixers in lacustrine sediments. (a) Geographic location of 25 sediment samples collected from Xiaochaidan Lake and its inflow Tataleng River. (b) Phylogenetic placement of the 117 retrieved MAGs. The phylogenomic tree was constructed using the concatenated alignment of 31 marker genes. Bootstrap values are based on 1,000 replicates, and percentages of >70% are shown with black circles. Phylogenomic analyses of archaeal and bacterial MAGs using the GTDB database are shown in Fig. S1a and b, respectively, in the supplemental material. (c) Canonical correspondence analysis of the potential carbon-fixing community and environmental variables. (d) Inverse relationship between the total relative abundance of all potential carbon-fixing microbes in each sample (black diamond and trend line) and the corresponding sediment salinity. The box plot shows the relative abundances of all potential carbon fixers in samples of each salinity group (G1 to G5). Different letters above the bars indicate a significant difference between different groups at a 5% level, according to one-way ANOVA with the Duncan test.