Slr1334 produces Glc-1,6-BP out of Frc-1,6-BP in an equilibrium reaction. Shown is the Frc-1,6-BP-aldolase activity: in dark blue, after addition of the supernatant of the Slr1334 reaction; in light blue, after addition of the supernatant of the Sll0726 reaction as a control; in black, after addition of the supernatant without any enzyme. In dark gray and light gray, the aldolase activity measured at Frc-1,6-BP concentrations of 25 μM and 50 μM, respectively, as further control. Frc-1,6-BP was used at concentrations of 500 μM in the Slr1334 reaction and respective control reactions. Therefore, its final concentration in the Sll0726 assay after 1:10 dilution was expected to be 50 μM assuming no consumption of Frc-1,6-BP in the Slr1334 reaction. Three replicates were measured for each datapoint. Error bars represent the SD.