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. 2022 Mar 1;166(1):17–37. doi: 10.1111/imm.13458


BALF analyses of cytokines in CLAD patients

IL‐1β IL‐1RA IL‐2 IL‐4 IL‐5 IL‐6 IL‐7 IL‐9 IL‐10 IL‐12 IL‐13 IL‐15 IL‐16 IL‐23 TNF‐α IFN‐γ Comments
BOS vs. stable LTR
Fisichella et al. [17] = = = = = = = = = Increased IL‐15, IL‐17, and TNF‐α 6‐12m post‐transplant was predictive of early‐onset BOS
Meloni et al. [18] = = Lower levels of IL‐12 were predictive of BOS
Vos et al. [76] =
Elssner et al. [21] = =
Belperio et al. [29] = = = Increased IL‐1RA preceded BOS onset
Laan et al. [23] = No difference at any time point
Vanaudenaerde et al. [26]
Borthwick et al. [30] Increased after BOS compared to before
Berastegui et al. [31] = = = = = =
Yang et al. [13] =
Keane et al. [84]

BOS vs. stable LTR

fibrotic BOS vs. stable LTR

treated BOS vs. stable LTR




Verleden et al. [22] IL‐1β correlated with BALF neutrophils

neutrophilic BOS vs. stable LTR

neutrophilic vs. non‐neutr. BOS

non‐neutrophilic BOS vs. stable





Verleden et al. [32]

neutrophilic BOS vs. stable LTR

non‐neutrophilic BOS vs. stable

neutrophilic vs. non‐neutr. BOS



















Suwara et al. [33]

ARAD vs. stable LTR

PAN vs. stable LTR



Increased IL‐1α after BOS compared to pre‐BOS
Future BOS vs. stable LTR
Ramirez et al. [73] = = = = = = =
Scholma et al. [39] Increased IL‐6 correlated with increased BOS risk
Stable LTR with high neutrophil count vs. low neutrophil count
Vandermeulen et al. [41] = = = = = = Correlation between IL‐1β and IL‐4, IL‐8, CCL2, CCL3, CCL4, and CCL11. Correlating trend between IL‐1β and CLAD‐free survival (p = 0.084)
RAS vs. stable LTR
Suwara et al. [33] = = =
Yang et al. [13] =
Berastegui et al. [31]

vs. stable LTR

vs. BOS












Verleden et al. [32] IL‐6 was associated with survival after RAS diagnosis

vs. stable LTR

vs. non‐neutrophilic BOS

vs. neutrophilic BOS






















Verleden et al. [85]

High IL‐6 levels first 24h post‐transplant correlated with better CLAD‐free and graft survival

IL‐6 correlated with BALF neutrophils and IL‐8

Neujahr et al. [78] No correlation IL‐1RA, IL‐13 or IL‐17 during first year post‐transplant and future BOS or graft failure

Overview of studies showing BALF analyses of cytokines in CLAD patients.

↑: increase; ↓: decrease; =: stable; ARAD: azithromycin‐reversible allograft dysfunction; BALF: bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; BOS: bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome; CLAD: chronic lung allograft dysfunction; LTR: lung transplant recipients; PAN: persistent airway neutrophilia; RAS: restrictive allograft syndrome; other: see Table 1.