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. 2022 Mar 1;166(1):17–37. doi: 10.1111/imm.13458


BALF analyses of chemokines in CLAD patients

CCL2/MCP‐1 CCL3/MIP‐1α CCL4/MIP‐1β CCL5/RANTES CCL7/MCP‐3 CCL11/eotaxin‐1 CCL17/TARC CCL18/PARC CCL19/MIP‐3β CCL20/MIP‐3α CCL22/MDC CCL25/eotaxin‐3 CXCL5/ENA‐78 CXCL6/GCP‐2 CXCL9/MIG CXCL10/IP‐10 CXCL11/ITAC Comments
BOS vs. stable LTR
Fisichella et al. [17] = = =
Meloni et al. [18] =
Belperio et al. [87] Levels were not increased 4.5m before BOS onset
Belperio et al. [86] Sources of CCL2 were airway epithelium and mononuclear cells
Reynaud et al. [27] CCL2 correlated with BALF neutrophils and IL‐8

Verleden et al. [22]

neutrophilic vs. non‐neutr. BOS

CCL2 and CCL5 correlated with BALF neutrophils

Verleden et al. [32]

neutrophilic BOS vs. stable LTR

neutrophilic vs. non‐neutr. BOS

non‐neutr. BOS vs. stable LTR






















Sinclair et al. [80]

BOS and stable LTR vs. healthy


Future BOS vs. future stable LTR
Meloni et al. [88] = = = = Increased CCL19, CCL20 and CCL22 levels at 6m post‐transplant predicted BOS onset.
Scholma et al. [39] = Increased CCL2 correlated with BOS risk.
Reynaud et al. [27]
Stable LTR with neutrophil high vs. low counts
Vandermeulen et al. [41] = = = =
RAS vs. stable LTR
Yang et al. [13] = Trend towards increased CXCL10 (p=.08).

Verleden et al. [32]

vs. stable LTR

vs. non‐neutrophilic BOS

vs. neutrophilic BOS
























CXCL10 and CXCL11 were associated with survival after RAS diagnosis.
Meloni et al. [88] No difference in CCR4, ‐6, or ‐7 expression but higher density of CCR6 in future BOS vs. stable LTR with increased CCR4 and ‐6 expression on CD68+ cells
Agostini et al. [89] T‐cells expressing CXCR3 were found in areas of active obliterative bronchiolitis on transbronchial biopsies and BALF in BOS patients
Belperio et al. [87] Prolonged elevation of CXCR3 ligands correlated with increased CLAD risk
Neujahr et al. [78] Cumulative increased CXCL9 and CXCL10 during first year post‐transplant correlated with BOS and graft failure and preceded BOS onset by 3 and 9 months
Neujahr, Agostini, Shino et al. [78, 89, 90] CXCL9, CXCL10 and CXCR3 were expressed by airway epithelial cells, mononuclear cells, and alveolar macrophages

Overview of studies showing BALF analyses of chemokines in CLAD patients.

↑: increase; ↓: decrease; =: stable; BALF: bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; BOS: bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome; CLAD: chronic lung allograft dysfunction; LTR: lung transplant recipients; RAS: restrictive allograft syndrome; other: see Table 1.