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. 2022 Aug 30;10(4):e2100761. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-21-00761


CHWs in Bangladesh Who Reported Undertaking Added Responsibilities Related to COVID-19 Prevention, Treatment, Referring, and Reporting

FWA, % (n=204) HA, % (n=166) Total, % (N=370) P Value
Educating community members about COVID-19 prevention/treatment 98.5 100 99.2 .11
Advising about signs/symptoms of COVID-19a
 Fever 98.5 96.9 97.8 .32
 Dry cough 91.0 89.8 90.5 .67
 Sore throat 58.7 62.7 60.5 .44
 Nasal congestion 68.2 76.5 71.9 .07
 Sneezing 39.3 25.3 32.9 .004
 Headache 23.8 19.8 22.1 .35
 Breathing difficulties 51.7 45.2 48.8 .21
 Loss of taste 11.4 15.1 13.1 .30
Correctly advising signs/symptoms of COVID-19 (score≥90%) 25.5 20.5 23.2 .25
Advising community how COVID-19 can be transmitteda
 Coughing/sneezing by infected people 91.0 97.6 94.0 .008
 Direct contact with infected people 74.6 82.5 78.2 .06
 Being close to infected people 61.2 64.5 62.7 .52
 Touching contaminated objects/surfaces/ disposable masks 30.4 29.5 29.9 .86
Correctly advising community how COVID-19 can be transmitted (score≥90%) 9.3 15.7 12.2 .06
Advising community how to prevent COVID-19
 Stay at home 96.0 98.8 97.3 .10
 Frequent hand washing 100 100 100 NA
 Wearing mask 100 100 100 NA
 Social distance 100 98.8 99.5 .11
 Quarantine if exposure is suspected 97.0 99.4 98.1 .09
 Self-isolate 99.5 100.0 99.7 .36
Correctly advising community how to prevent COVID-19 (score≥90%) 92.7 98.2 95.1 .02
Referring suspected COVID-19 cases for advanced care at facilities 56.4 84.3 68.9 <.001

Abbreviations: CHW, community health worker; COVID-19, coronavirus disease; FWA, family welfare assistant; HA, health assistant; NA, not applicable.


N=367 (FWA, n=201; HA, n=166).