(A) Mouse developmental expression of p75NTR (green), Pax6 (magenta), DCX (white), and Dapi (blue) at the indicated ages. Note the high level of p75NTR in the meninges as well as the developing granule cell progenitors. Yellow arrows indicate the M – meninges, RL – rhombic lip, EGL – external granule layer. (B) High magnification of the insets showed in A. Cells expressing p75NTR (arrows), migrating cells negative for p75NTR (arrowheads). (C) Expression of p75NTR (green), Ki67 (magenta), and Dapi (blue) in the cerebellum of P7 mouse pups. (D) Immunohistochemistry of the expression of p75NTR (green), TAG1 (magenta), and Dapi (blue) in the cerebellum of P7 mouse pups. (E) Immunohistochemistry of the expression of p75NTR (green), DCX (magenta), and Dapi (blue) in the cerebellum of P7 mouse pups. (F) High magnification of the inset showed in E. The tissue shown in all the figures were obtained from mice.