Figure 6. Eyeless and the Notch pathway act through the 220 bp and 850 bp enhancers to regulate expression of slp genes.
(Panels A-A’’’ through D-D’’’) RNAi clones in which Ey or Su(H) is knocked down are marked by Beta-galactosidase (bGal) in blue, while regions unmarked by bGal are populated by wild type neuroblasts. (A-A’’’) The expression of a GFP reporter driven by the 220 bp enhancer and endogenous Slp2 in ey RNAi clones and wild type neuroblasts. Expressions of both the GFP reporter and endogenous Slp2 are similarly abolished in ey knockdown clones (representative data shown, n=5 brains). (B-B’’’) The expression of a GFP reporter driven by the d5778 850 bp enhancer and endogenous Slp2 in ey RNAi knockdown clones and in wild type neuroblasts. Knockdown of Ey leads to loss of both the GFP reporter expression and the endogenous Slp2 protein (representative data shown, n=15 brains). (C-C’’’) The expression of the GFP reporter driven by 220 bp enhancer and endogenous Slp2 in Su(H) RNAi clones and in wild type neuroblasts (representative data shown, n=11 brains). (D-D’’’) The expression of the GFP reporter driven by 850 bp enhancer and of endogenous Slp2 in Su(H) RNAi clones and in wild-type neuroblasts (representative data shown, n=14 brains). In case of both enhancers the expression of the GFP reporter is lost or delayed. (E, E’) The expression of the 220 bp GFP reporter in slp1 and slp2 loss-of-function mitotic clones (‘dark’ regions) and in wild-type neuroblasts (marked by RFP) (representative data shown, n=24 brains). (F,F’) Expression of the 850 bp enhancer GFP reporter in slp LOF clones and wild-type neuroblasts similar to (E,E’) (representative data shown, n=16 brains). Slp1 binding sites were identified in both enhancer elements which indicate that Slp1 may auto-regulate its expression. However, GFP reporter expression driven by these two enhancers is not significantly affected within slp LOF neuroblasts, suggesting that Slp1/2 are not required to initiate their own expression in neuroblasts. Representative images are provided. Scale bar 20 µm.