Table 1.
Search strategies.
Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (Virtual health library): (tw:(mh:“guideline adherence” OR mh:“fidelidade a diretrizes” OR evaluation OR avaliação OR adherence OR aderência OR surveillance OR vigilância OR appropriate OR apropriada OR appropriateness OR adequação)) AND (tw:(mh:“antibiotic prophylaxis” or antibiotic prophylaxis or prophylactic antibiotic or antimicrobial prophylaxis or prophylaxis or mh:“antibioticoprofilaxia” or antibioticoprofilaxia or antibiótico profilático or profilaxia antimicrobiana or profilaxia)) AND (tw:(mh:“surgery” or cirurgia or surgical patient or paciente cirúrgico or mh:“surgical wound infection” or surgical wound infection or postoperative wound infection* or mh:“infecção da ferida operatória” or “infecção da ferida operatória” or “infecção de ferimento pós-operatório” or surgical procedure or mh:“surgical procedure, operative” or operative surgical procedure or procedimentos cirúrgicos operatórios)) | 223 articles recovered: Central (174 articles), Lilacs (19 articles), NHS-EED (8 articles), DARE (6 articles), CDSR (1 article) |
PubMed: ((((((“guideline adherence”[ti] OR guideline adherence[mh] OR evaluation[ti] OR adherence[ti] OR surveillance[ti] OR appropriate[ti] OR appropriateness[ti]))) AND ((Antibiotic prophylaxis[mh] OR “Antibiotic prophylaxis”[ti] OR “prophylactic antibiotic”[ti] OR “antimicrobial prophylaxis”[ti] OR prophylaxis[ti])) AND ((surgery[ti] OR “surgical patient”[ti] OR Surgical wound infection*[ti] OR Surgical wound infection[mh] OR postoperative wound infection*[ti] OR Surgical procedure*[ti] OR surgical procedure, operative[mh] OR operative surgical procedure*[ti]))) AND “last 10 years”[PDat])) NOT (((“all child”[Filter] OR “all infant”[Filter]))) | 219 articles recovered |
Scopus: TITLE-ABS-KEY ((“guideline adherence” OR evaluation OR adherence OR surveillance OR appropriate OR appropriateness))) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY((“Antibiotic prophylaxis” OR “prophylactic antibiotic” OR “antimicrobial prophylaxis” OR prophylaxis))) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY((surgery OR “surgical patient” OR surgical wound infection* OR postoperative wound infection* OR surgical procedure* OR “surgical procedure operative” OR “operative surgical procedure”))) AND (EXCLUDE(SUBAREA, “DENT”)) | 382 articles recovered |