Table 3.
Evidence supporting common pathophysiology between MVD of the heart and retina
Reference | Design | Objective | Population | N | Key findings |
Akasaka et. Al 199751 | Cross-sectional | Assess differences in CFR in patients with and without diabetes | CMD | 44 | CFR was reduced in patients with diabetes and diabetic retinopathy compared to controls. More severe retinopathy was associated with worse coronary flow reserve |
Eslami et al 202153 | Descriptive | Describe retinal changes in patients with CMD | CMD | 60 | Superficial vascular density was abnormal in ~ half of patients with CMD |
Sundell et al 200452 | Cross-sectional | Determine whether diabetic retinopathy is associated with reduced coronary vasoreactivity | Diabetic retinopathy | 33 | Dipyridamole-stimulated flow and coronary vascular resistance were blunted in diabetics with retinopathy compared to diabetics without retinopathy and controls |
Liew et al 201956 | Cross-sectional | Assess for differences in retinal microvasculature between patients with CMD and CAD | Patients with microvascular angina and CAD | 915 | Women (but not men) with small retinal venules were three-fold more likely to have microvascular angina compared to women with large retinal venules |
Arbel et al 201455 | Cross-sectional | Determine utility of retinal blood flow as a predictor of slow coronary artery blood flow | CMD | 28 | Higher retinal arterial flow was observed in the slow coronary flow group |
Wang et al 200854 | Cross-sectional | Determine relationship between retinal arteriolar narrowing and myocardial perfusion in patients with and without CAD | Middle and older age adults with no known cardiovascular disease | 212 | Narrower retinal arterioles are associated with lower hyperemic myocardial perfusion in asymptomatic adults with no coronary calcification |
Cheung et al 200757 | Cross-sectional | Determine relationship between retinal arteriolar narrowing and left ventricular remodeling in patients with and without CAD | Middle and older age adults with no known cardiovascular disease | 4,593 | Narrower retinal arterioles are associated with increased left ventricular concentric remodeling regardless of level of coronary atherosclerosis |
CAD, coronary artery disease; CFR, coronary flow reserve; CMD, coronary microvascular dysfunction; MVD, microvascular dysfunction.