A) Expression of TRDN-AS in hearts of healthy donors (Non-failing; NF) or patients with HF. Each open circle represents an individual human subject. Data are presented as mean + SD. B) Expression of cardiac triadin in NF or HF human hearts. Multiple bands with molecular weights of 30 to 50 kD appeared due to multiple isoforms and/or glycosylation of triadin in the heart, as shown in previous studies 5, 6. Trdn95 was not detectable in any samples by immunoblotting. Calnexin serves as a loading control. Non-glycosylated triadin, denoted by an arrow, was quantified. Each filled circle represents an individual human subject. Data are presented as mean ± SD. C) Expression correlation between TRDN-AS and cardiac triadin TRISK32 was analyzed using a simple linear regression model in GraphPad Prism 9.3. Each filled circle represents an individual human subject. Student’s t-test (A, B), **p<0.01.